Not sure where to start?
Have a specific CedarWorks playset in mind? Load one of our pre-designed "sample" sets by
opening this design tool from an existing design on our website by clicking "customize this".
Add, delete or move any components until you're happy with your design
- then save it and take a look at it in 3D!
build Build from scratch
If you'd like the complete freedom of building a custom playset from the ground up,
then head right for the menus at the left of the screen.
Start by choosing a main structure, add a connecting accessory, then attach another
structure to the other end of the accessory. You're on your way!
Just click any item in the menus on the left, if they can be attached to the set
you have designed,
black targets will appear. Click the target where you'd like to place the item, and it'll
snap into place.
If you have any questions or problems, feel free to call us at (800) 462-3327.